Visit our unique showroom in Munsbach and be inspired by the homely ambience in a relaxed loft atmosphere. On four showroom levels you can discover warming fireplaces, high-quality fire furniture and weatherproof outdoor products.

Showroom in Munsbach
Living Concepts
Convince yourself of our furniture brand stiil living. Take a look at the coffee tables, chairs or chests of drawers, which are manufactured regionally in Luxembourg and are long-lasting living highlights due to the high-quality materials.
We also light fires in the outdoor area: Discover high-quality outdoor kitchens, grills or outdoor fires in our showroom in Munsbach. Upgrade your garden culinary and experience the outdoor world with us in the showroom.
Expert advice
Whether fireplace, furniture or outdoor: In our showroom we advise you directly on the models. Our competent team will be happy to help you and will show you the various options during a consultation.
FIRE experience
Fireplaces are a central part of our exhibition. Discover the different models of stoves and fireplaces directly on site and get to know the different materials, shapes and designs.

Showroom in Munsbach

Impressions from our Showroom in Munsbach

Große Brunner Kaminanlage mit Holzlager im Showroom von Feuerloft live erleben.

Lounge-Ecke mit stiil living Möbeln im Showroom von Feuerloft Luxembourg mit liebevoll ausgewählter Dekoration.

Finden Sie bei Feuerloft in Munsbach Ihr passendes Ofenmodell. Wie wäre es zum Beispiel mit diesem Kaminofen?

Große Brunner Kaminanlage mit Holzlager im Showroom von Feuerloft live erleben.
Impressions from our showroom in Platen

Feuerloft in Platen. Kaminöfen, Kaminanlagen, stiil living Möbel, made in Luxembourg.

Kaminofen Skantherm Ator Plus

stiil living: Handgefertigte, Hochwertige Möbel, made in Luxembourg.

Feuerloft in Platen. Kaminöfen, Kaminanlagen, stiil living Möbel, made in Luxembourg.